Descriptions & Curriculum
Did you know?
A certified Farrier can earn: $50,000 - $100,000 per year!
Five courses to choose from: 2 days to 18 weeks!
100% Hands-On Shoeing with LIVE Horses at Our School!
We NEVER Shoe Horse Cadaver Hooves!!!
If you are interested in our school, we would love to have a phone conversation with you. Our office number is 706-397-8909.
5 Courses to choose from, 2 days to 18 weeks!
If you are comparing schools:
Our school allows you to attend on a full-time or part-time basis. Click on "Attendance Options" to learn more. Classes are held Monday through Friday, year-round.
Students are welcome to bring their own horses to trim & shoe during their training, however this must be discussed beforehand!! We do not have the space to board horses for more than the 2-day trim class. We do have a couple of individuals we work with who can provide boarding. Boarding is between the person providing it and the student. We can provide you with a phone number for this.
However, we keep a continuous clientele of horses for the 2-week, 6-week, 12-week, and 6-week advanced courses. You will work on plenty of live horses while here!
Horses are provided by the public. They are different daily & delivered to the school saving valuable time & this allows learning in an educational atmosphere. It also allows you to work at "your own pace". Small classes of 8-10 are preferred.
All courses:
70% Live Shoeing
15% Shop - Forging/Blacksmithing
(Hot, Cold, & Corrective)
15% Classroom Discussions & Lectures ***Sometimes includes Guest Farriers
Horseshoeing I: 2 Weeks (10 Days) = 90 Hours
****Beginning January 08, 2024, the two week course must be taken consecutively. There will no longer be an option for part-time for the two week course.****
These are the first 2 weeks of all our courses. We begin with safety first, handling and being underneath horses. Whether you are a horse owner with a few horses, barn manager with a herd, or maybe considering making this a career, these first two weeks are crucial in understanding the REASON and PURPOSE of trimming, shoeing, overall hoof care, and safety! We train by shoeing live horses and learning the necessary shoe shaping. The intent of this course is only for personal use such as: losing a shoe on the trail or in the arena and/or tacking a shoe back on just until your farrier can come out. You should always seek a professional certified farrier for the best care of your horse.
(This course is NOT intended for you to go out and shoe for the public and not VA approved.)
A 2-week course is like getting your learners license!
You’re on the road, but not ready to drive solo!
Horseshoeing II: 6 Weeks (30 Days) = 270 Hours
You will be part of an in-depth study of the horse anatomy related to proper balance and shoeing of all horse breeds and disciplines. You will learn how to change the horse's mode of travel caused by poor leg and hoof conformation or previous improper shoeing, and how to recognize, prevent and correct lameness. You will learn to handle spoiled horses, learn basic horse psychology, how to set up your own business and shoeing rig, receive BUSINESS STRATEGY LECTURES, classroom time, forging, and extensive live shoeing.
***If considering taking the 6-week course part time, the first two weeks must be taken consecutively and then part time can be discussed.
Tools: $1,700.00 package & school manual
Horseshoeing III 12 Weeks (60 Days) = 540 Hours
This course prepares the student further to be a professional farrier. After the six-week course you will concentrate your time on perfecting your techniques. You will work with professional farriers in the UFA. You will learn more about corrective shoes. You will learn advanced shoeing techniques for lameness of the leg, hoof repair along with continuous live shoeing, classroom, and forging each day. This course includes the Equine Flexion Therapy 3-day class.
***If considering taking the 12-week course part time, the first two weeks must be taken consecutively and then part time can be discussed.
Tools: $1,700.00 package, school manual, The EFT course and book
Horseshoeing IV Advanced Course Additional 6 Weeks (30 DAYS) 270 HOURS
You must complete the 12-week course before enrolling in this continuing education course.
This course is accepted by the Veterans Post 9/11 Funding.
The intent is to provide Specialty Shoeing Courses on a more professional level to provide a higher paying self-employment for these men and women. At the completion of this course, the farrier can apply for a higher level of certification.
Trim Class:
We offer a two-day course for horse owners who want to bring their horses with them and learn to trim their own.
Call 706-397-8909 for next available Trim Class dates and reserve your space today. These classes fill quickly.
Course Curriculum
We have designed easy to understand terms with diagrams along with our own experiences and documented cases.
1) Leg Length
2) Hoof Capsule Length
3) Lateral and Medial Balance
4) Symmetrical
5) Natural Angle
6) AP Balance
Horsemanship & Horse Psychology
Variety of Equine Breeds available
Aging the horse
Evaluating, safety rules
Anatomy of the whole horse
Bones of the front and hind Limb
Hoof Structures
Using and choosing your tools
Shoe and nail sizes, name brands, and styles
Serious hoof problems of all types
Correctly driving nails
Clinching nails, finishing
Evaluating Lameness of the Hoof & Horse
Traveling Problems and Correction
Correct arising problems: Cracks, Splits, Hoof Loss, Bonding, Pads, Glue-on, keeping up with progress, Choosing and using the hand tools
Shop: Gas Forge work & Blacksmithing
(referred to as Hot, cold, corrective and hand made shoes)
Every shoe is “fit to the foot.”
Flattening, mounting, centering, punching, tricks with heat
Handmade shoes of most popular styles used, steel and aluminum
Cold - shaping and modifying (keg) factory-made shoes on the anvil
Hot Shoeing refers to forge work when shaping the shoe while hot using propane gas forges and coal forges. Hot shoeing refers to ensuring a level flat hoof. We modify factory-made (keg) shoes into corrective shoe shapes and make hand made shoes from bar stock for corrective shoeing. We use arc welding and other industrial equipment to aid and improve our skills.
TESTING: Written, oral, and one-on-one during your schooling to prepare for successful graduation. All will be determined upon the length of course you attend.
Horsemanship and SAFETY: We highly promote and teach safety measures handling horses to avoid injuries to students or horses. Students and owners are asked to sign a liability release form.
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