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14013 Georgia East Hwy 136
LaFayette, GA, 30728


At Georgia Horseshoeing School, we train farriers by providing knowledge and skill at the highest level. Using the latest technology, we provide farriers with the best education possible. Learn corrective horseshoeing, hoof repair, gait analysis, blacksmithing and business management for horseshoers.

Farrier Training Expectations From Our School

Farrier Training Expectations from our School

Please note that when you read over this, we are assuming that you are NOT familiar with farrier work.  If you have some experience already, that will be to your advantage. We find that everyone DOES NOT learn on the same level. Some are better with their hands; others are book smart and enjoy studying. Whether you are choosing to learn for your own horses, as a barn manager, or to provide a career for you and your family, you will gain more knowledge about the important role of a farrier. This knowledge is widely overlooked and ignored by most horse owners. The fact that you WANT to learn, will be in your favor when purchasing, breeding, and riding, eventing and overall ownership. You will know during your first week if you are unable to physically perform (or do not enjoy) the farrier related duties. If you choose not to continue, you will have at least learned more than most owners. We can guarantee that.  

The horses provided for your training are brought to us by the public, people like you. Every day you will work with a variety of breeds of all shapes and sizes. You will not see the horse twice unless you take the 12-week course at which time you will re-shoe and evaluate your own work after 6 weeks. Clients return every 6–8 weeks routinely. We never have a shortage of horses!!!

2-week course expectations:

You will learn to trim and/or shoe what we refer to as the normal standard straight legged horse. We are very cautious about your safety and horsemanship skills while handling horses. You will concentrate on the overall conformation of the horse and the anatomy of the lower limb and hoof while trimming to remain barefoot and certainly the difference in trimming prior to shoeing. You will learn to properly balance each hoof. You will learn how to properly shape shoes. We refer to this as forge work. Shaping the shoes on the anvil is referred to as “cold shoeing.” Heating the shoe in the propane or coal forge to shape at the anvil is referred to as hot shoeing: the shoe is shaped correctly, placed back in the forge and set on the hoof wall, then placed in cold water to cool, and then nailed to the hoof. There are many reasons for “hot shoeing” to be discussed. The phrase “corrective shoeing” is anything that modifies the shoe to fit the hoof that is not a perfect size or shape.  Nail sizes and styles and choosing good farrier tools, anvils and forges are important. There is a lot more to “forge work” than most students realize so be prepared.

This course compliments any other equine career. Those with horse anatomy and handling experience will benefit from “hands-on” knowledge of the farrier’s role in these two beginner weeks.

6-week course expectations:

The following four weeks will be more intense learning: hoof repair, diseases, lameness issues, forge work which will include handmaking a shoe.

12-week course expectations:

The following 6 more weeks will provide you more feet per day. Your technique and speed become better as well as your decision making. Your horsemanship skills will improve as you will work on many different horses during your time here. You will also participate in a 3-day class called Equine Flexion Therapy in which you will learn in depth the anatomy of the whole horse. We usually work in the field one day per week. This will help give you a well-rounded education in the Equine Industry.

Please note that some people with prior experience with other farriers or family members may progress to a comfortable place at the end of six weeks You are eligible to take the farrier Certification Test at this time and you must pass.

For those with “zero” experience prior to your first day here, you will find that the 12-week course is best suited for you.