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14013 Georgia East Hwy 136
LaFayette, GA, 30728


At Georgia Horseshoeing School, we train farriers by providing knowledge and skill at the highest level. Using the latest technology, we provide farriers with the best education possible. Learn corrective horseshoeing, hoof repair, gait analysis, blacksmithing and business management for horseshoers.


Attendance Options

Full Time Trade School, Monday - Friday, year-round AND convenient part-time scheduling. PAY AS YOU GO OPTIONS! 

If you are interested in our school, we would love to have a phone conversation with you. Our office number is 706-397-8909.

No matter which course you choose, you will receive the same amount of valuable education. Every day is a hands-on working day with new horses, new forge work needed, and new hoof problems to solve. Mostly, horses are brought directly to the school. On occasion, we go out to owner locations and field trips that everyone enjoys. The number of students per day is limited to provide plenty of personal instruction.

five days a week. 
2, 6, or 12 weeks
straight through
2 weeks = 10 days
6 weeks = 30 days
12 weeks = 60 days

Wesley Finishing Foot.jpg

-attending less than five days a week but over a longer period of time with a final goal of attending the 30-day or
60-day course.

Course Descriptions

Hand Tools




Q: There's No Way I Can Do The 12 Week Course While I'm Still On Active Duty. If I Do The 6 Week Course Can I Come Back For The Second Half Of The 12 Week Or Are They Not Set Up For That?

A: Yes, of course! When you return, you would just pick up where you left off and continue week 7 through 12. You pay the 6 week tuition first and just pay the balance of the courses when you return.

Click HERE for more information on our Veteran and Military services.