Always Excited For Our Graduates!
Leslie Bowen
Congratulations to Josh Carlson of S. Carolina.
He completed our Horseshoeing III & IV Course.
Josh is eager to learn and should have a bright future ahead of him. We are proud of him!
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14013 Georgia East Hwy 136
LaFayette, GA, 30728
At Georgia Horseshoeing School, we train farriers by providing knowledge and skill at the highest level. Using the latest technology, we provide farriers with the best education possible. Learn corrective horseshoeing, hoof repair, gait analysis, blacksmithing and business management for horseshoers.
Check here for the latest news, events, and articles at Georgia Horseshoeing School.
Congratulations to Josh Carlson of S. Carolina.
He completed our Horseshoeing III & IV Course.
Josh is eager to learn and should have a bright future ahead of him. We are proud of him!
We are super proud of these three! They were the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of our friendly forge day competition. They were asked to modify a keg shoe with a trailer and heel caulk. These three had the best matching pairs. Way to go gentlemen!
Congratulations to Brynn Longley! She completed our 2 day trim class. Brynn is very eager to learn. She is a hard worker and very patient with the animal. As she continues her journey in the equine industry, she will be great at whatever path she chooses. We are proud of her!
Congratulations to Will Rombilus. He completed our 18 week course. Will is a hard worker, eager learner, and very handy in the fire! When he came here, Jarvis knew there was nothing he could teach him in the fire. He was already a well skilled blacksmith. While here, he picked up on the farrier trade as well as he already knew the blacksmithing trade. We are proud of him! Stay tuned for some blacksmithing classes coming that will be open to our students and the public.
Click Here —> Certifications — Casey & Son Horseshoeing School (
Daniel completed our Horseshoeing III Course.
He is a very responsible, hardworking person and is very eager to learn!
He is a good hand with a horse and will do well in this trade.
Mara Miller attended our 2 day trim class. She did a fine job learning how to take care of Sophie’s feet! Thank you guys for coming and we can’t wait to have you back Mara! Thank you for the kind words! We really appreciate feedback from students.
A Review On Our 2-Day Trim Class From The Young Ladies Parents:
Exceptional instruction by an experienced and respectful man. This is a top-notch operation. Our daughter is looking forward to going back for the next level of learning.
I reckon there are other farrier schools,
I just don't know why anyone would go anywhere else.
~ (Father) Matthew Miller
Jarvis is extremely knowledgeable and is a great teacher. He is kind, humble, and patient. He takes time to explain and gets the students hands on right away. It was a wonderful experience for our daughter who can now handle her own equines' hooves. She plans to come back to further her education and to get certification.
~(Mother) Amy Miller
Tucker completed our Horseshoeing II Course.
Tucker is knowledgeable about horses and will do well in this trade. We are proud of you!
Our sweet Colt will miss Tucker Hawkins being around. They became good roping buddies!
Here at Casey & Son Horseshoing School, your not just another student… YOUR FAMILY!
Congratulations to Antonio Jubela Gordon!
He completed our Horseshoeing III Course.
He is headed in a good direction. We are proud of you Antonio!
Congratulations to Joanna Zamir! She completed our Horseshoeing II Course.
She comes to us all the way from Maui Hawaii! She is good under the horse and she will be headed back soon to build her clientele. Good luck with everything Joanna!
He completed our Horseshoeing IV Course.
Doc is a super great guy with a passion for learning all that he can.
He will do great things in this trade! Good luck with everything!
Here is a family, whom we call friends, from Tennessee representing at the Biltmore in North Carolina.
Thanks y’all. Hope you have a wonderful time there. It is beautiful!